Pregnancy is a delightful and exciting time for any woman, but undoubtedly it can also be very painful and uncomfortable too. This is only to be expected though, carrying a growing baby in your womb is naturally going to cause some stress to your body, however with the right know how you can easily alleviate your pain and discomfort and make your pregnancy as pleasant as possible.
One of the major concerns of pregnant women is morning sickness, this typically occurs in the early stages of pregnancy and includes nausea and vomiting, it can also be irregular and completely out of your control. However there are ways to limit the amount of morning sickness you experience, these include eating small portions of food, perhaps replacing your meals with lots of smaller snacks. Additionally you could try drinking ginger tea, this was a life saver for me, and you can also try naturally essential oils too, including both lavender and lemon as well as ginger. This is an excellent recipe for a morning sickness tea:
Another big issue during pregnancy is digestive problems, that we often don’t like discussing. During pregnancy your baby grows and applies a lot of growing pressure to your bowels, often leading to constipation, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about and can easily be helped. A really helpful way to alleviate this issue is by eating a lot more fibre and fruit and veg, think brown bread, green smoothies and nuts, the best bit is they’re also incredibly good for your baby too.
Aches and pains during pregnancy are also a common complaint, I know for me personally that some days during my third trimester felt like hell on earth. There are many ways you can help avoid severe aches and pains though, firstly you should consider wearing flats with support and secondly consider a pregnancy pillow, these are incredible. This site ( guides you through what pregnancy pillows are best, but I personally used a fully body pillow and it provided amazing support, both during the day and during sleep. I no longer felt paranoid about waking up on my stomach either, a true life saver!
Another common problem is heartburn and acid reflux, particular during sleep, a great way to avoid these issues is by changing your sleeping position. When pregnant sleeping on your side is best for both you and your baby, so try to use a pillow that supports this sleeping position. This sleeping position is great for heart burn as it makes sure your oesophagus is elevated about your stomach preventing acid moving up and causing the typical symptoms.